Monday, October 29, 2012

Loaded Chicken and Veggie Soup!

Oh boy did I create a winning recipe yesterday!  I've been dying for homemade chicken noodle soup, you know... the kind that mom makes.  Well, I prefer easy crock-pot recipes, so I did a little online "pinning" on Pinterest and came across many different variations.  Nothing seemed to strike my fancy, so I decided to just wing it and create my own. 

Normally I would have taken photographs as I was chopping veggies, but I was under a time crunch (It was about 11:40am on Sunday when I decided to use the crock-pot and I know chicken recipes take between 6-8 hours if cooked on low.  I wanted to eat at 6, so time of was the essence!

After I chopped up 4 carrots, 3 celery stalks, 3 parsnips, and almost a whole yellow onion, I searched the herbs and spice rack.  I decided on just 2 - garlic powder and thyme.  I swear, thyme makes everything yummy. 

I threw the chopped veggies into the crock-pot, added 5 cups of chicken stock (unsalted since I'm so anti-salt), 1 cup of water, a few "dashes" of garlic powder, and 2 teaspoons of thyme.  Oh yes, and a ridiculous amount of black pepper.  There's just something about black pepper in chicken noodle soup!  Forget the salt - just hand me the pepper shaker and I'm good to go! :) 

After I gave it a quick stir, I threw in three chicken breasts that my wonderful husband prepared.  By prepared I mean he cut the fat off.  You all know I don't do raw chicken.  Yuck. Ew. Gross. Blech!

I then stirred the pot up, turned it on low and set the timer for 6 hours.  After about hour 4, our placed smelled amazing!!! 

I paired the chicken soup with some beer bread from a mix that I bought from Home Goods.  I am obsessed with Home Goods! :)  I always walk out of there with a few mixes for baked goods and coffee mugs.  Just ask Shaun how many "mugs" we have....  we rotated them based on the season! :)

Here's some pictures of dinner that I managed to snap before we all stuffed our faces!

 After 6 hours, carefully pull out the chicken breasts and shred them with 2 forks.  Oh yes, and give the chicken a little taste-test.  Delish! :)

 Put the chicken back in the pot and STIR BABY STIR! :)

Here's the finished produced along with some beer bread!
 Yummy meal for a chilly Fall day! :)

This recipe doesn't call for noodles, FYI! :) But feel free to add them! :)

I am so glad to be back with this blog!  I'll actually be switching websites in a few weeks.  While working on a project for one of my grad classes, I came across a better website program that is much easier to navigate around!  No worries though, this one will remain up and running until I make the switch!

Now I'm off to relax for the evening.  I had quite a long day, plus my head is pounding!  Thank goodness I was able to come home this evening and eat the leftover chicken soup and beer bread! :)

Catch you all later this week with some new recipes.... tomorrow's dinner is chicken meatloaf and Wednesday's Halloweenie dinner will be spooky sloppy joes! :)  Both recipes are already on here, so I won't be posting them.... Well, maybe some pictures of them! :)

Lots of love!

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