Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hopped up on Sugar!!!!

Wow, I never knew how sugar affected me until tonight!  I baked brownies tonight for tomorrow's Superbowl party and I had to make sure the brownies were good.  Success - they are quite yummy.  Then I made the rest of the sugar cookies from the dough that I had leftover from Friday's cooking activity with my first graders.  I iced a cookie and it looked ridiculous, so naturally I had to get rid of it.  So I ate it.  I am ready to bounce off the walls! LOL!  This is so not good because it's almost midnight and I have to be up at 7:30am to be a the gym by 8!  

Yes my friends, gym at 8am on Superbowl Sunday!  If I have any intention of getting ALL my work done before tomorrow evening's festivities, I have to get crackin' on my to-do list early!  Up first tomorrow is the gym and then church!  After that it's back here to whip up a batch of chili - Schoonmaker Family style! :)  If you're lucky, I just *may* share the recipe!  

Here's a sneak peek at the yummy brownies we'll be having tomorrow! :)

So cute!!! :) 

No, that isn't the entire batch of brownies, but what was left was random shapes because I used a cookie cutter.  I used my mom's advice which was the freeze the tiny bits of leftover brownies in small bags so I can have the occasional brownie sundae!  She is a genius! :) Thanks mommy! :)

Now I'm off to do who knows what.... I certainly have far too much energy to even attempt to go to sleep! Zoikes!!!

Sweet Hugs,

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