Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Back, I Promise!

Wow, I am terrible! I haven't posted in a WEEK!  I have been so wrapped up with work responsibilities that I have barely had a moment to breathe the past week!  To make things short and sweet, I'm testing the "leadership" waters by taking on additional responsibilities to see if going back for a second Master's degree (Educational Leadership) is for me.  So far I've enjoyed all the extra work and I'm learning how much planning and time goes into activities outside of the classroom!  Don't get me wrong, teaching is a TON of work, but so is the other side of things!  My next couple of responsibilities are quite interesting and I'm looking forward to working closely with administration!  If only someone would pay for my second Master's.....  I'd go back in a heartbeat! I miss school! :)

Since my last post, I haven't done a whole lot of cooking since I've pretty much had to come home and continue schoolwork!  But, Valentine's Day was on Tuesday and I wanted to share some of the deliciousness Shaun and I devoured!

Takeout from Iavarone's! :)  I got the grilled chicken,
with asparagus and a side salad.  
Shaun got lasagna with a Caesar salad! :)
It was a scrumptious meal!

I told Shaun he was in charge of dessert and 
he knows me too well - he had stopped by
the same restaurant, earlier in the day to get one of 
our most favorite desserts - the layered chocolate cake! :)

This was pretty much the only meal this week worthy of capturing on camera!  I do want to share my students' cupcake parfaits from our Valentine's Day cooking activity though.... they turned out PRECIOUS!

This was one of them! :) Too cute!  

Moving on to other things...  I'm so excited that we don't have any plans this weekend.  I'm looking forward to relaxing all weekend long!  I did promise Shaun that I would whip up some new recipes this weekend and I figured why wait until Saturday to start!  

Dinner tonight was created my just mixing together some ingredients, letting chicken cutlets marinade for about 40 minutes, and then sauteing them in a pan!  :)  It took about 20 minutes and boy, let me tell you how amazing it was! :)  I used about 1/4 cup of white wine, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1/4 tsp of thyme and onion powder, crushed red pepper flakes, freshly ground black pepper, and a few dashes of kosher salt.

As a side, I was craving sweet potatoes (nothing new right!?!?) but didn't want a baked one...  So after googling and pinteresting, I combined some recipes I found and whipped up my own...

I started by washing and cutting up a sweet potato.  I bought an organic one to see if I can taste a difference and you soooo can! Who knew!?!? :)  

 Ha, there were some ugly brown spots I had to get
rid of... that's why it looks so strange!

Then I melted 1 tablespoon of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter with about 1/2 teaspoon of crushed rosemary and poured it over the wedges of sweet potatoes.


Then spread the wedges out on a covered cookie sheet and bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes, turning over the wedges halfway through!  

Dinner tonight looked like this!
A yummy chicken dinner in 20 minutes?
Yes please! :)

For dessert I had the last of the strawberry whoopie pie cookies that a fabulous coworker gave me for Valentine's Day.  I promised the guys I'd share them, but I ended up eating all of them myself! Haaa!!! :)

Now I'm off to watch some television.... which I plan on doing a lot of this weekend, especially tomorrow when I'll be catching up on all my DVR'd shows! 

Have a great night!  I'll be back ALL weekend long with new recipes! :)

Sweet Hugs,

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