Saturday, January 28, 2012

Broken Dreams...

Total sadness.  Our dreams of heading to Epcot tomorrow to bask in the beautiful Florida sunshine has been ripped out of our hands.  I'm still feeling totally under the weather, so Dr. Mom has advised me to stay home and relax.  Totally makes sense though right?

After I drank what seemed to be too much coffee this morning, I got a random burst of energy so I made a stop to Target for the essentials needed when you're not feeling well.

The only thing missing is my mom's 
homemade chicken noodle soup.

I pretty much spent the entire day on the couch watching television.  It seriously drives me nuts to sit around all day, even when I'm not feeling well.  I just get tired of watching television and there's only so much Facebook/Pinterest a girl can do in one day!  I did work on organizing my Pinterest boards because they were a complete disaster.  

As I was organizing the boards, I came across the Lasagna Soup recipe, so get ready kids because I will be making that tomorrow!  I'm super excited because it appears to be such a simple recipe, plus it's cooked in a crock pot! Awesomeness!!! Since I'm doing a crock pot recipe, I told The Fiance that we'll have to go grocery shopping tonight so tomorrow morning I can throw everything together without having the run to the store.  I don't think he's pleased, but at least dinner will be delicious tomorrow (or at least I hope!).  

Tonight's dinner was courtesy of Panera - their chicken noodle soup.  The boys grilled pork chops marinated in Chivetta's.  With me feeling less than stellar, I need comfort food and chicken noodle soup was the way to go.  I regret not making it myself, but whatever.  It hit the spot though!  I was slightly bummed when I got home and realized that they substituted my whole grain baguette for just a slice of whole grain bread.  That is just cheap! ha! They must have ran out! Lameness! 

Chicken noodle soup and whole grain bread = comfort food in my belly!

Earlier in the day, The Fiance asked me if I needed anything and I said "Yes, something sweet"... so he came home with this lovely baby:

What's inside you ask!?! A yummy carrot cake cupcake!  It was slightly on the large size, so I cut it in half and will definitely be having the other half tomorrow! Isn't The Fiance a doll for letting me have the whole thing!?!? :)

Of course I waited until after I took
the picture to cut it in half! :)

So for now, we're off to Publix to get our shopping done for the week.  I promised the boys I'd do a better job with cooking this week.  I was a complete slacker last week!

Have a great night!

Sweet Hugs,

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