Monday, January 23, 2012

I think it's delicious!

If you read yesterday's post, you know I had a mishap in the kitchen.  My cherry angel food cake was a hot mess.  After I baked it and it cooled, I cut it into squares, told Shaun to take some to work, and put the rest in a container for Matty and I to eat this week.  I ate some warm crumbles of it yesterday and I thought it was good, it was just ugly.

After dinner tonight, I pulled a piece out and ate it and forget what Shaun says - I think it's delicious!

Told you it's ugly, but it tastes quite yummy!

All you need is a can of pie filling (apparently any flavor works) and a box of angel food cake mix.  Mix the two ingredients together and bake in a 9x13 baking dish at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.  I baked mine for almost 28 because the middle was jiggly! I think part of the problem was that I used a glass pan instead of a cake pan.  Again, here's some pictures.... be warned, it's not pretty!

yep... didn't let it cool all the way before I turned
it upside down... therefore, disaster ensued!!!

Again, I think it's yummy.  Next time I make it (oh there will definitely be a next time), I will puree the cherries because I think Shaun will like it if there aren't cherry chunks!

Tonight's dinner was Subway - Shaun is at school working on his final project and Matty gets out too late.  I love my usual turkey sub on wheat! :) I may have had a piece of the cherry angel food cake after dinner, but tonight's sweet treat will come later when I have my fixing of chocolate - Dove Dark! :)  I am obsessed with them! 

Oh, side note - I tried Cobani's Apple Cinnamon Greek Yogurt for my pre-workout snack.... OMG ~ AMAZING!!! Look for a full review of it later this week!  Also, I tried a new flavor of Muscle Milk after my intense 45-minute cardio session after tutoring this afternoon - Cafe Latte - DELICIOUS!!!!! It tasted like an iced coffee drink! Perfect! :)

I'm loving that I'm getting the protein I need in 
such a wonderful tasting drink!

Now I'm off to catch up on celebrity news, by way of Entertainment Tonight.  This weekend was jam-packed of celeb news - baby announcements, break-ups, and the sad news that Etta James passed away! 

Hopefully I'll have a new chicken recipe for you tomorrow!

Have a terrific night!

Sweet Hugs,


  1. OMG I think that looks delicious! Totally trying this weekend!!! Food that is ugly and messy usually tastes the best!

    On another note, I started a blog, it's kind of lame right now, but I figured I would tell you because maybe I can gain one follower haha! Check out my profile!

  2. :) Yay! Side note... A piece, if you cut it into 16 squares, is around 130 calories!!! :) Perfect!
