Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sweet Treat :)

I knew tonight would end on a good note when it included my new nephew Malachi and a brownie ice cream sundae.....
Hello milk chocolate brownies with white chocolate chips! :) You look mighty yummy!

Last night, I decided to work really hard on making brownies... Boy, opening up a box of milk chocolate brownie mix is a lot of work! ha! ;)  I love brownies - soft, gooey, chocolate-y deliciousness.  BUT, box mix brownies usually involve a large amount of oil, so I followed the directions on the box to make a lower-fat version - instead of 3 eggs, I added 1 and I cut the water down to 2 tablespoons.  I also added 1/3 cup of unsweetened applesauce instead of the oil.  You can't even taste the difference - ask Shaun...  I had him sample a brownie and he had no clue until I told him! I'm sneaky like that!  I did have some leftover Ghirardelli white chocolate chips from the holiday baking extravaganza, so I threw some of those babies on top! :)

We took the brownies, along with some lowfat vanilla frozen yogurt and some whipped cream over to Shaun's brother's house tonight.  It resulted in the creation of this:
Yumminess on a plate... and it's a low-fat kind of yumminess!  Shaun's sister-in-law Sara also added a Hershey's kiss to the top! :)

We ate the tasty sundaes while playing Monopoly City.  I'll admit, I put up one heck of a fight til the end, but I ended up having to mortage most of my property, so we had to call it a night.  The board looked pretty cool!
This was taken wayyy early in the game before the boys got crazy with buying all sorts of properties.  At one point, I owed like 9 million dollars! Eeek! 

I also got to hold this lil guy...
He's sooo little! :)

Now I'm off to do a little bit of relaxing (and by relaxing I mean spending a ridiculous amount of time "pinning" things on Pinterest! :)

I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow being Sunday - my laundry for the week is already done, I don't have any schoolwork to do, and there's no school on Monday!  That means total experimentation with a recipe in the kitchen tomorrow! 

Have a great night! :)

Sweet Hugs,

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