Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I know I'm from Buffalo, New York and I should be completely used to the cold... but man was it oh-so-chilly this morning!!! So cold in fact that when my 4:30am alarm went off, I instantly hit OFF and reset it for 5:40.  There's just something about 5 layers of blankets and flannel pajamas that makes it impossible to get out of bed!  When I eventually rolled out of bed this morning and hopped in the shower, I was already regretting not working out.  I NEED to workout in the morning to wake myself up.  I'm so used to getting up that early, that I apparently need to force myself to get up.  I felt very sluggish and in SLOOOOOW-MOTION!

I should have snapped a picture of my breakfast, since so many people have asked me what I eat during the day!  On the menu this morning was instant oatmeal (Maple and Brown Sugar) and I threw a few dashes of Saigon Cinnamon on top.  I don't know if you've ever tried Saigon Cinnamon, but it's way tastier than regular ground cinnamon - thanks mom for sharing such deliciousness this Christmas break! :) I also had a side of fruit - strawberries and blueberries.  I am totally overly excited that it's strawberry season.  I can eat strawberries in large quantities because they are just so yummy!!!

Before I left for work, I was sure to pour myself a steaming cup of hot coffee - I knew when I stepped foot outside, I was going to be freezing.  And boy was I right...
 Although it wasn't "icy", it sure was COLD!

I know, I'm a baby. Brrr!!!

For lunch today, I had my typical peanut butter and jelly sandwich on 7-grain bread.  I changed things up today and opted for a cheese stick - Sargento Pepper Jack!  It was my first time having it and I was a little nervous because jalapenos and I don't have the best relationship, but it was mildly spicy.  Quite delicious!  I also had more blueberries and strawberries.  Speaking of strawberries, I can't wait for the Florida Strawberry Festival! My mouth is already watering for a strawberry shortcake! :)
 I usually have a diet soda during lunch, but I'm trying to limit that... so today it was water! :)

My afternoon snack, besides a mug of hot chocolate during my planning period was a Chobani Greek Yogurt (black cherry) and some cut up veggies - yellow pepper (which I'm proud to say my fiance purchased over the weekend for himself.... In the 3+ years we've been going out, I've taught him to LOVE veggies!!!), cucumber, and baby carrots.  I should have packed some hummus, but I was slightly lazy last night while packing my lunch! 
 Please note how clean my guided reading table it... It's never that spotless. You bet I cleared it off for this picture! haha! :)

After work, I forced myself to go to the gym.  I'm always amazed and excited about the increase of volume at the gym in January! I love that people set goals after the holidays!  Do you know what I love even more?  That even though the gym was super crowded, no one was on MY machine at the gym.  Yes, that's right.... I like to think of one of the machines as mine... it has done wonders for my weight loss and I like to think it should have a gold plate on it with my name! ;)  After a 30-minute cardio session, I stopped at Target to get some things (more on that later)!

For dinner tonight, it was nothing special - just grilled chicken sausage with leftover brown rice and peas.  Oh, and a side of cinnamon applesauce!  It was a simple, no-effort dinner, which is exactly what I needed!!!

On the way home from work today, I called my mom (I call her on my way home everyday and we talk all the way home.  It's our mother-daughter bonding time!) and she quickly began to stress me out.  She mentioned that she went to Barnes and Nobles and bought the new Martha Stewart Wedding magazine and instantly began rattling off all these ideas and things that I need to put on my wedding to-do list.  After about the 5th idea, I had to stop her and tell her that I cannot just hear the ideas, I need to SEE them.  So, while I was at Target, I purchased the magazine and I cannot wait to dig in and see all the wonderful ideas my mom loves! :)

So, tonight my plans include looking at the magazine and enjoying a treat! :)
 I'm ready with my chocolate and my post-its to mark all the fun details I want in my wedding! :)

**Please note that I do not document ALL of my food for the day... I do snack on things here and there - almonds, trail mix, goldfish, etc...**

Sweet Hugs,


  1. You are so cute! Love your Vera lunchbox :) So proud of you! I am reading all about your healthfulness while I eat a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch for dinner! Enjoy your wedding magazine! Sounds like a cozy night!

  2. Thanks! That's my most favorite lunch bag ever! :) Mmmmm... cinnamon toast crunch! Yummy!

  3. thanks i love your blog, you are amazing. Im really going to try to cook healthier things for me and my husband so we can both get in shape. Cant wait for ur next blog.

  4. Thanks! :) I'm very excited about this new adventure! :)
