Friday, January 6, 2012

You are exactly where you are supposed to be...

That was the quote inside the wrapper on one of my Dove Dark Chocolate pieces from earlier this week... I couldn't agree more.  There are times when I question if I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing, if I'm living my life the way I'm supposed to be living it, and if I'm with all the people I'm supposed to be with.  After seeing this quotation, I reflected on my life.  I don't mean to sound cheesy or anything, but I honestly have a pretty amazing life. Plus, since this blog is new, I figured it's important for you to see who shaped me to be the person I am today.

So, why do I think I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be?

Well, for starters, I'm engaged to the most amazing man I've ever met.  He's seen me at my worst and loved me when I probably didn't deserve much love.  We've been through a lot and there isn't any other person I'd want to share my life with.  I still get butterflies in my tummy when I think of the fact that in 6 short months, we'll be husband and wife! :)
Sampling our wedding cake from Muscoreil's Bakery! :)

I have amazing parents.  I have parents who raised me to be the respecting, caring, loving, hard-working, dedicated young woman I am today.  They taught me how families are supposed to be and how good things come to those who work hard.  They are an inspiration for me to be the best person I can be and I only hope I can raise my future children the way they raised my brother Matty and I!  :)  Thanks mom! (Tell dad I said thanks too because I'm sure he's not reading this! ha!).  
  They have been married for almost 40 years! :)

My brother and my niece Ava are a constant burst of excitement in my life.  No matter what she does, Ava just brings a smile to my face.  She reminds me to relax and have fun!  I'm honored that she's going to be a flower girl in our wedding! :)
 Adorable. :)

No one in the world has better best friends than I do.  I don't know what I'd do without them.  They are always there for me, even though they live +1,000 miles away.  It's amazing how we only see each other a few times a year, if that, but we can pick up right where we left off.  They are truly my sisters and I thank God everyday that I've been given the honor to have them with me on the most important day of my life!!! :)
Cassie, Me, & Lyssa! :)
I love my job. I'm blessed with the opportunity to be educating 15 wonderful first grade students.  There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not amazed at how far they've come and how smart they are.  To be able to educate a child is a dream come true for me.  While education seems to be changing and it's becoming much more stressful, I'm still able to say I love my job and I come to work everyday with a smile on my face.

My classroom. Love it! 

Plus it's fun to wear awesome t-shirts like this! :)

Of course, there are many other things I'm thankful for... but without my fiance, my parents, my brother and niece, my best friends, and my job, I'd be lost.  I wouldn't be able to be the person I am today! :)

Well, now that I've gotten all sappy on you, it's time for me to relax for a few before heading to the gym for a late-night run.  I tried to get up at 4:30 this morning, but my tummy was still feeling slightly off, so I decided to forgo the workout.  Now that my tummy seems to be back to normal, I need to get in a short, but good cardio session! 
Lots more to tell you about tomorrow! :) Check back in the morning!

Sweet Hugs,


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