Thursday, January 5, 2012

I've Got It!

Some sort of stomach bug that is.  I woke up this morning with the icky-sicky feeling in my stomach and I've been battling it all day!  My grand plan to have turkey tacos with black bean salsa tonight have been put on hold.  There's just something less than appealing about that meal if I'm having tummy issues.  So, what's on the menu?  Scrambled eggs with toast and jelly.  This stomach bug thing is weird because usually there's a loss of appetite, but I'm still feeling pretty hungry! Because of this, I've pretty much eaten what I normally do on any given day - I had a bowl of Special K cereal (which was the first time I've ever had it and man, have I been missing out!!! Very tasty!!!) this morning with a side of berries and the last of our pumpkin coffee.  Sigh.  

For lunch I had my usual PB&J, cheese stick, and more berries.  Instead of my usual afternoon snack of Chobani Greek Yogurt and freshly cut veggies, I opted for graham crackers since they are plain.  So far, my stomach doesn't feel worse, but it doesn't feel all that great either.

Right after dismissal, I high-tailed it out of work because I needed some hot tea, comfy clothes, warm blankets, and a DVR'd episode of this week's Bachelor episode.  I'm currently enjoying a hot cup of Ginger Peach tea from Panera and I had a few "Multigrain Pop Cakes".  I discovered them at my parents house while I was there for the holidays.  Let me tell you, they are delicious.  They are very similar to a rice cake, but flatter and bigger in diameter.  My mom puts peanut butter on them... I eat them plain.  I've tried them with jelly too and it's pretty scrumptious.  Perfect snack for an afternoon when I'm feeling slightly under the weather.  These little pop cakes can be purchased from Wegmans, the best grocery store in the world! :)
 I really need to start taking pictures with my camera... sorry! :)

So now I'm off to continue watching The Bachelor.... which I don't know if I'll be able to do if this girl doesn't stop rapping this awful rap! Ew! 

Oh, and due to the icky-sicky feeling in my tummy, my grand plans to begin day one of 5k training was put on hold.  Running with tummy issues sounds like a bad idea! There will be more about the 5k I'm running in March during one of my weekend posts!  Catch ya later! ;)

Sweet Hugs,

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