Monday, January 9, 2012

Something doesn't seem right...

That's how I felt when I walked straight into the MEN'S BATHROOM during my evening workshop.  Oops!  I walked in and noticed that the room look completely different and within 2 seconds immediately screamed "Oh NO!!!!"... bahaha.  Good thing there were no guys in there!  I'm pretty sure I turned a deep shade of red and flew out of there!  Eeeek!!!

After I found my way to the correct room, I sat down to enjoy a quick, light dinner.  I had also stopped at Wendy's to get a side salad, but after opening it and taking one look at the WET lettuce, I tossed in the the trash.  It was only $1.69 anyways!  I'd much rather lose out on the money than get a tummyache from yucky lettuce!

It was a light dinner because I ate at 4:30 and I did a ridiculous amount of snacking at work today... Cheez-It's, Mini Milky Ways, candy.... Oooof.  

My workshop tonight was pretty good ~ it was a training about dealing with Behavior Management, which in my opinion, is always something I can learn more about.  This is my 5th year of teaching and probably going the smoothest, but I figured, I would benefit from learning more strategies for dealing with classroom behavior issues.  I will say though, I love my class and things are going quite well! :)  Go first grade! :)

Halfway through the training, I got hungry and made a pit-stop to the vending machine.  There was nothing good, so I opted for a snack that I meant to have this morning, but I was too engrossed in guided reading groups and running records to stop...
Not too bad for being sugar free.  I need to incorporate more protein into my daily diet, so my brother graciously let me try one!  I will definitely be snagging another one for tomorrow.  Did you notice how I was actually taking notes during the training!?!? I learned some good stuff!

Due to my late workshop, I'm without a recipe for you guys.  Sorry!  But you can rest assured that there will be one tomorrow - I'm thinking some sort of baked chicken breast, with some butternut squash, and maybe some sauteed zucchini, onions, and red pepper.  I'll have to see how I'm feeling tomorrow after work! :)

Now it's off to make my lunch for tomorrow and go to bed! Long day and I'm quite sleepy!

Sweet Hugs,

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